Frequently Asked Questions About Our Network

Joining our provider network can come with a lot of questions. Feel free to call us any time any questions!

Enrolling is easy! Submit the membership questionnaire here and a DPSC navigator will contact you to provide the next steps to join the  network and answer any questions.

DPSC needs Chiropractors to provide services to Health Plan members we are contracted to support.  There are never any fees or costs to Network Providers, at any time.

DPSC reimbursement rates are highly competitive and based on the providers location, number of providers in the practice and DPSC’s need for providers in a specific area where membership volumes exist.  To find out more about reimbursement rates in your area,  select the link to “Enroll Now” at the bottom of the page.

DPSC acts as the payor for all claims submitted for services rendered to DPSC Plan members.  Claims can be submitted to DPSC through EDI or in Paper and providers are paid for clean claims within 45 days.  We do our best to make the claims and reimbursement process easy!

DPSC will handle the submission of credentialing documents to the health plan(s) in your Region.  Once credentialing is completed, DPSC will notify you of the effective date and when you can start providing service to DPSC Plan membership.   Of course, providers will need to ensure that their CAQH profile is up to date.

We will provide you with all the information you need to be successful during the onboarding process.  If you have questions along the way, our staff is always available to support you through email or phone.  You will always get a live person when you call DPSC and we respond quickly to your email questions or needs.  We pride ourselves on customer service.

How Do I Become An In-House
DPSC Provider?